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View on Blue Gowt - Level crossing

Blue Gowt structure spanning the ditch (or Gowt).

View on the Blue Gowt structure - S&T cables hung on the timber fence.

View on Blue Gowt - Level crossing showing the Gates - manned crossing.

Site Compound set up in the Farmers Field.

Cornish Concrete - Trial erection of the structural elements.

Trial Erection at Cornish Concrete.

Temporary works cable support bridges installed either side of the existing bridge.

Road Closure, Level crossing gates removed and rubber strail mats lifted

Level crossing closed to road traffic to enable the strails to be removed.

Network Rail S&T split ducted the cables over the cable bridge.

Network Rail - diverting cables on to the cable bridge during possession.

Cable Bridge with cable diversion completed. Work well underway installing the crash deck.

Brickwork repairs underway to the bridge abutments - with the gowt pumped out.

Abutment props being put in place - Note white cut line marked on the abutment face.

Spalding Sidings - Balfour Beatty Kirow Crane arrives on site.

Kirow Crane on site in Spalding.

Demolition Plant arrives on site - Temporary props installed to the Level crossing Gate post.

Cut carried out to the abutment - Plywood sheet placed for the crash deck.

Concrete Impost units delivered to Spalding Sidings from Cornish Concrete.

Deck units delivered to Spalding - waterproofed by Proctor Waterproofing Ltd.

Main Possession works - rails being removed - sleepers being bailed out for reuse.

B&B Demolition - Ballast being removed from the bridge deck.

Demolition contractor - carrying out the demolition of the structure.

Demolition shear breaking up the brick jack arches.

Typical girder removed from the structure - note the tie bar and fixing attached to the base guide plate.

Crash deck being cleared - two excavators reducing the abutments down to level.

The abutment brickwork cut back level - ready for the sand/cement screed layer.

Sand / Cement screed laid to level ready for the Impost units - setting out points marked out ready for the units.

Kirow crane moving the Impost and deck units up the track from Spalding down to Blue Gowt.

Two Impost units landed into position - care was taken to set these using lines on the units and points marked in the screed.

75mm thick polystrene sheets were cut out ready for setting around the elastomeric bearings.

Bridge Deck unit being set up for lifting into position - the concrete unit sat on timber sleepers.

Concrete deck unit being lifted into position.

With the bridge deck units installed - the waterproofing was completed the lifting points filled with grout and backfilling started.

The p-way was installed during the possession - GRP Walkway was not installed.

Temporary speed restriction was put in place at the end of the possession - this was maintained for 7 days.

View on the crash deck after the possession - note how much the crash deck (straw bails) had compressed under the demolition works.

Post Possession material was cleared off site over the following week.

Crash deck being removed - from around the RMD prop system.

Works were undertaken to improve the track alignment during the week - note the temporary speed restriction boards.

Note the welds were not all completed during the main possession - the photograph above shows the temporary clips.

Jacks being installed for pulling the rails for the stressing operations.

To enable the rails to be stressed the rails are unclipped and pulled on rollers (see photo)

Once correctly stressed the joints in the rail can be welded (see above) welding in progress.

Works progressed through the week after the possession to clear out the crash deck and get it fully open.

The level crossing gates were reinstalled along with the strails and the road reopened to traffic.

Road open to traffic with the Level crossing back in operation.

Timber fences and hardstanding were added an along with the new GRP Walkways installed during the follow up possession.

Follow up tamp was carried with a road closure - the strails were removed and then relaid once tamping had been completed.

Snagging items were undertaken - new gate was added along with ballast infill at the gate - signs were added.
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