Home | | | | Project 19 Hunslet Moor Footbridge | |

Existing Footbridge over the M621 Between Jun 4 & Jun 5.

View from the existing footbridge looking up Moor Road - Piles marked on the road.

Existing Bridge central ramp removed during an over night closure.

Central ramp removed and re-erected on exiting trestles at the North end of the bridge.

Existing ramp being removed -to make way for the new abutment.

Sheet piles installed and the abutment being excavated out.

Steel fixed to the base. Formwork installed ready for concrete.

Ramp reinforcement being fixed - North abutment base cast and bearing shelf set up for concrete.

North abutment base and shelf cast - ramp base steel reinforcement fixed formwork being set up for concrete.

North abutment & ramp concreted ready for backfill and steel work.

High Mast lighting tower installed in possession.

South abutment fill being placed to the embankment (basra) bridge access service ramp area.

South abutment steel fixing in progress.

North abutment & Ramp black jacked ready for filling.

Crane on the South abutment erecting formwork.

Piles set out for the central pier foundation.

Expanded pilig drilling the piles - crawler lifting the reinforcement cages.

Southern abutment - bearing shelf cast - wingwalls being set up with formwork.

Piling complete to the central pier base. Piles broken down and blinded. Steel on site ready for fixing.

Bridge central pier base - formwork set up and concrete being placed.

Top section of the central pier being cast. Note self erecting tower crane.

Self erecting tower crane lifting out formwork - sat in the M621.

Top section of the Central pier - bolt clusters set in place using the holding plate.

Central pier formwork removed - and backfill - Nusteel on site ready to start.

Two 100T Cranes unloading and setting up the steel work A- Frame

Steel A frame laid out on the ground around the central pier.

Works progressing on site shift - moor road closed - trestles lifted in place.

Work in progress installing the the ramps and North trestle.

North abutment - wingwalls parapet steel being fixed.

Crane lifting in the ramp units - with Moor road closed over night to traffic.

Temporary works trestle installed ready for building the bridge.

Bridge pylon being lifted into place with a 500t crane.

Anchorage bolts for the cables delivered on site.

Anchorage points welded on to the main bridge deck. These were installed on site due to wide load transport issues.

Bridge cables delivered to site and laid out - The cables being supplied by Bridon Ropes Doncaster.

Bridge deck section being lifted into place. This deck section was fitted onto the pylon and then onto the temporary tower.

Crane lifting and installing the cables. Full boom MEWP.

First section of the bridge deck set in place with cables installed ready for the next unit.

Southern abutment completed and backfilled ready for steel erection.

Crane erecting deck sections main crane holding the deck with a smaller crane lifting the cables.

Temporary works trestle being removed following installation of the deck section.

Temporary works trestle being re-erected infront of the south abutment.

Typical cable locking fixing pin.

Spike attached to the fixing pin to assist installation.

Cable being lifted using a purpose made lifting clamp locked onto the cable.

Cable fully extended above the ground - MEWP installing the cables at top flange.

Pin installed with anchorage - note the calliper to stop the pin dropping through the deck fixing.

Crane holding the deck section as the support crane moves the cable across into position.

Deck section with cables installed - last section of deck sat on the trestle temporary works.

Cable eye being lifted and pulled into position with a chain block.

Pin and eye aligned with pull chains allows the pin to be installed.

Locking pin being installed through the cable eye and pin.

Deck fully instaled - temporary works support removed with the crane.

Pins on the deck jacked out and nuts tightened to the correct tension.

Bridge deck - completed - being clean off ready for concrete.

Swords operatives using a small 1t dumper to place concrete on the bridge deck.

On the South approach a crane is being used to install pre-cast concrete stair units.

Bridge deck is fully concreted with crack inducers installed across the deck to form bays.

USL instastalled the expansion joint on the south side of the bridge deck.

View on the southern approach with the earthworks complete and pre-cast concrete stairs installed.

ROCAL installing Cicol to the bridge deck - grit put on the deck surface held in place with the epoxy resin.

With the new bridge open to the public - the final section of existing bridge deck was lifted out.

Existing structure being lifted down on to the M621 carriageway for breaking up and removal.

View on the completed new bridge spanning 104m form the North abutment to the South abutment (basra area).
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