DBM Bridges
 Building Bridges and Structures for the future.
   Home            Project 9 Lumby Leys Bridge
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Lumby Leys + site compound
View on the A63 note the heavy plant crossing. New bridge site in the cutting. Note the site compound at the top of the photograph.

Bulk dig underway for the bridge. 

Excavation of the Abutment
West Abutment being excavated by RMG. 

Abutment Blinded with concrete
West Abutment fully excavated out and formation blinded with concrete. 

Excavation of the East Abutment
East  Abutment being excavated out ready for blinding.

Crawler Crane lifting steel
East Abutment fully excavated and being blinded - Crawler crane supplied by Martin Anderson Plant on site. Work in progress to the central pier base.

Central pier base cast
Steel reinforcement being fixed. Crawler crane lifting in reinforcement on the West abutment.

Concrete being placed to the West abutment base
West abutment base being cast with a concrete pump.

East Abutment steel fixing and formwork
East Abutment steel reinforcement set up - formwork being set up around the base.

Scaffold being erected to the East abutment
West abutment main bearing shelf being lifted and set up into position.

Concrete being placed to East abutment
West abutment being cast - with steel being fixed on the East abutment following scaffold erection.

West Abutment formwork stripped out
West Abutment scaffold being installed - modified for wingwall formwork.

Formwork being erected around the columns
East Abutment formwork being erected with the crawler - central pier formwork also being set up.

Formwork to central columns
Formwork being lifted in place with the Crawler crane - Scaffold being set up to enable steel fixing on the last two piers.

Formwork fixed to the East abutment
East abutment formwork set up with push pulls fixed fro the Kelly blocks.

East Abutment cast with formwork removed
East abutment formwork removed and scaffold modified to again access for concrete finishing.

Concrete Columns cast
Central Piers cast and formwork being removed. Scaffold being modified ready for bearing erection

Typical bearing set in place note core holes
Typical bearing installed on Nylatron shims - Note the holes cored to take the legs from the bearings.

Bearings set up abutment
Bearings set up on the abutment ready for steelwork.

Crane lifting in girders
Mabey Bridge lifting the steel work into place - support crane lifting in the cross beams.

Support crane lifting in cross girder.
Mabey Bridge lifting in the main structural steel work - Note the temporary works support on top of the pier.

Girders fully erected - view on East abutment
Mabey bridge progress the steel work erection - Note the lateral bracing on deck end.

Bolting up in winter weather
Snow hits the site slowing down progress.

Bridge flooded out after the thaw
Works ongoing on the deck ends scaffold being erected to the abutments.

Temporary works used during the girder erection
Temporary works support on top of the piles - note push pulls to stop the girders moving.

omnia panels on site
Hanson - Omnia planks delivered and stockpiled on site.

Scaffold for access to do welding
Mabey Bridge - Scaffold Screen built for welding and painting.

Lumby Leys
Bridge - work progressing with the Omnia planks and Wingwalls.

Omnia Planks before Gaps sealed
Omnia Planks being fitted onto the bridge deck - note the gaps between the planks.

Omnia planks being installed with lifter
Omnia Planks being lifted into place on the bridge deck - Note the lifting frame attachment landing the units one at a time.

Bolts on the deck ready for setting multiforms
On the bridge deck the omnia planks set into place - SGB Bolts set ready for installing the multiforms.

Multiforms being installed
Multiforms lifted into place supported of the T bolts - Note the dragons teeth on the beams.

RMD Web tie system being installed
Snow returns to site - RMD web tie support system being installed between the central main girders.

Multiforms being erected on the outer girders
Steel reinforcement being lifted and loaded out on the deck - welding and painting not complete.

Work progresses on the wingwalls
Steel reinforcement being fixed to the wingwalls from the scaffold.

Central section fixed with plywood
Central area between the beams - sheeted out ready for steel fixing.

Works progressing on the web ties
Primary timbers being laid out onto the RMD's fixed with J bolts and plywood sheeting being fixed down.

Works to the West Abutment Diapraghm
Formwork being fixed to the diapragm - RMD's fixed to the wall to enable the walkway to be installed for fixing the formwork.

Steel fixing on the deck
Steel reinforcement being fixed on the deck - bottom mat being fixed over the central deck area.

Multiforms being fitted out with secondary soffit
Timber plywood fixed on the parapets note the down stand step.

Wingwalls cast and stripped
Concrete wingwall cast - Scaffolding modified to do the concrete finishing.

Scaffold removed from the central columns
Multiform Falsework set up along the length of the structure.

Hop up brakets being removed from the West Abutment
Steel Reinforcement fixed to the West abutment - RMD being removed form the walkway.

West abutment backfilled and formwork installed
Formwork set up on the screen wall - Push pulls installed to provide alignment.

Deck with stop ends fixed on the deck
Steel reinforcement fixed on the bridge deck - Stop end formwork being fixed across the deck.

West screen wall and deck cast - Power float
Concrete pour complete to the West deck end - power float finish to the deck surface.

Stop end being removed
Stop end formwork being stripped out - and prepared for the next pour.

Stop end at the parapet face
Bolt clusters set up on the parapets - the deck being prepared for the next pour.

Concrete placed to East Screen wall and deck
Concrete being placed and finished  - note the stop end locations on the deck.

East abutment pour being power floated
Concrete pour being finished and power floats.

Central deck section being cast
Concrete being placed by pump - to the central section of the deck.

Concrete pump working on the central deck pour
Central section of the deck being concreted - concrete pump at low level.

View on web tie central area and temporary brace
View on the RMD - web tie system - also note the temporary brace installed between the main girders required for the deck pour.

Soffit of the Omnia and view on the abutment
Temporary works set up between the main girders to prevent them moving during the concrete pour.

Power float to the deck central area
Central deck pour cast - pour float finish.

Lumby Leys deck cast parapets set up
View on Lumby Leys Bridge from the air - Concrete deck completed.

Parapet being cast and floated up
Parapets being concrete - concrete finishing in progress.

Parapet stripped out ready for concrete finishing
Concrete parapet following removal of formwork - concrete finishing in progress.

Parapets being cast
Works progressing on the wingwall parapets.

North Parapet cast and being stripped
Formwork being removed from the North Parapet - once completed the concrete finishing can be undertaken along with preparation of the bolt clusters.

Parapets on the wingwalls removed - multiforms removed
Multiforms being removed from the deck parapet - SGB combi-safe set up on the parapets as edge protection.

North Parapet stripped with Combi safe installed
Combi- safe set up as edge protection on the Northern Parapet.

Balmer Lindley installing parapets.
Balmer Lindley setting up the parapet posts for the N2 system.

N2 parapet installed combi -safe ready to take down
View along the southern Parapet with the N2 installed infront of the SGB combi-safe fence.

Back fill going in to the East abutment
Back fill being placed to the back of the abutment.

Bob Meadows - Agent FHM North
Bob Meadows - on site looking at progress on the wingwalls.

Small areas of the deck are scabbled
Deck surface preparation in progress - areas being scabbled to remove latents before waterproofing.

Web Tie stripped out to show finished soffit
RMD Web tie system falsework removed to show the deck soffit. Note the very good quality finish to the concrete.

Waterproofing to the East Screen wall
Stirling LLoyd spray applied waterproofing to the top section of the deck screen wall.

Deck waterproofed and tack coated
Deck Waterproofed and tack coat laid.

Mabey Bridge doing paint remedial works
Bridge Girders being painted by Mabey Bridge.

Red Sand carpet laid over the deck to protect the waterproofing
Red sand carpet laid on the deck.

Mabey Bridge paint remedials
Next paint coating by Mabey Bridge.

Duct installed, Steel drainage kerbs
Drainage kerbs set up on the deck with new service ducts installed.

Deck drainage channels
Drainage kerbs being set up on the North footpath.

Lumby Leys sand carpet laid
Lumby Leys bridge under construction with the existing A63 running south of the new bridge.

Top Coat to the bridge steelwork remedials
Painting in progress under the bridge + concrete finishing.

Formwork erected for the rolling block
Concrete formwork being set up for the rolling block on the approach to the bridge.

Rolling block cast with gap ready for the buried joint
Typical view on the rolling block cast at the back of the abutment - note the joint.

Buried Joint installed across the rolling block and deck
Stirling LLoyd installing the standard buried joint spanning between the bridge deck and the rolling bock.

Deck buried joint fixed down
Buried joint steel plate over banded with eliminator to seal it from water ingress.

Bearing grout and sealant to screen wall
Remedial works ongoing under the abutment.
Roundabout construction on the East side of the bridge
Surfacing being laid on the bridge deck - roundabouts being constructed at the ends of the bridge.

View on the bridge West abutment
Kerbs laid in the central reserve.

Central reserve concrete being placed
Central reserve being concreted with bolt clusters and posts set up in the pour.

Ducts placed in the north
Ducts set up and concreted in place to prevent them floating when the footpath is concreted.

Concrete being placed to the Footpath
North Footpath -concreted.

View on the deck as the roadworks progress
Bridge footpaths concreted. Round abouts being constructed.

Black top being placed on the deck
Surfacing being laid over the bridge.

Finishing works to the road across the bridge
Bridge being prepared for opening.

New bridge and roundabouts open to traffic
Bridge open to traffic.

Old Road closed over ready to excavate out.
With the bridge open to traffic - the A63 was closed to start the road planning and removal.

Dig started on the old road embankment.
Embankment being excavated out to the south of the bridge.

Excavation in progress - traffid live over the bridge
Embankment being excavated and removed.

Main bulk dig complete works progressing on the road box
Embankment removed - ready fro the road box to be constructed under the bridge. 

Abutment reventment complete with wingwall batters topsoiled
Revetmenst being constructed infront of the abutments - new road under construction.

Lumby Leys open to traffic
Completed structure with both the bridge open and also the A63 above fully open - Junction 42 A1m.

Page under construction...