DBM Bridges
 Building Bridges and Structures for the future.
   Home            Project 7 Fairburn Railway Bridge
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Fairburn Railway Bridge.
View on the existing Railway Cutting - topsoil part stripped on the North side.

Fairburn cutting before works start on the dig
View on the existing Railway cutting prior to works starting for the new structure.

bulk dig well ongoing on the South side
Works progressing with reinforced Earth walls under construction on the North side and Bulk dig in progress on the south side.

Panels being installed at track level.
Bottom Reinforced Earth panels being set up and clamped together with timbers and tie rods.

Fairburn Railway bridge Backfill material being crushed on site
Excavated material being crushed and graded for placement in the reinforced earth.

Fairburn Railway bridge Reinforced Earth walls progressing
Crushed material being placed to the reinforced earth.

North abutment Reinforced Earth Wall complete steel fixing started on the abutment
Reinforced Earth erected - View on the North Abutment with reinforcement being fixed for the abutments.

Reinforced Earth walls complete on the South side ready for blinding.
South Reinforced earth being erected - scaffold hand rail being installed for edge protection.

North abutment progressing with back fill up to level for the crane platform.
Cranes working behind the North abutment - with steel fixing and concrete progressing to the abutments.

South Abutment progressing slightly behind the North side.
South Abutment - formwork being erected for the abutment bearing shelf.

Crane offloading beams - In the photograph Roy Ashforth, Gary Liddell, Tim Lester.
Main bridge beams being delivered to site for off loading.

Beams being laid out ready for the main possession.
Bridge beams being off loaded and laid out ready for the main possession.

Edge beam off loaded onto temporary concrete plinths
Concrete edge beams delivered to site and set up on temporary concrete stillages.

Edge beam fitted out with N1 Barrier.
Parapet posts and sheets being installed ready to be lifted in with the concrete parapets.

North abutment with only plinths still to complete.
Works progressing on the abutment wingwalls - steel fixing well progressed.

South Abutment progressing but its a race against time to meet the possession date.
Formwork being stripped from the main body of the abutment complete.

West edge beam being lifted into position in the Possession.
West End Parapet with Edge parapet installed.

Edge beam safely down and landed.
700t Crane lifting in the Parapet edge beam landed.

Beams being landed Dan Hawksworth on the South David Millar on the North sbutments.
Typical beam being lowered down onto the elastomeric bearings and temporary supports.

Temporary support block at the bearing positions.
Concrete cubes used to take the load while the epoxy mortar on the elastomeric bearings hardens and cures.

East edge beam installed before the final few internal beams.
Looking on as the East end parapet is lifted and landed in the possession.

Internal beams being installed during the day with the crane moved down.
Crane installing the infill concrete beams during the possession note the crane position has moved.

Final beam being installed - Bob Meadows landing the beam with John Masterson on the North abutment
Bob Meadows landing the final concrete beam next to the outside East Edge beam.

Soffit work being installed to the Screen wall Diapraghm and GRP to the bridge Deck
GRP formwork being installed during normal working - T(ii's) taken where required to install the GRP over the track.

GRP nearly complete and Screen wall reinforcement being fixed
GRP being installed - steel fixing to the diapraghms being installed.

GRP complete steel fixing started on the deck.
GRP installed - lifting loops cut off and reinforcement fixing progressing.

Steel fixing well underway on the deck.
Steel reinforcement being fixed on the deck - deck being sealed.

Bottom Mat reinforcement complete. The deck is going to be cast in 4 pours.
Steel reinforcement being lifted onto the bridge deck - Formwork being fixed to the first of 4 pours.

First Quarter of the bridge and screen walls cast.
First Quarter of the bridge deck cast with the second quarter being set up for concrete.

2nd pour completed.
Half the bridge cast - Steel reinforcement nearly fully fixed - Wingwall parpet being set up.

Concrete Placement to the 3rd Pour
Third quarter of bridge deck being cast - note the stop end. The track below is open to traffic.

Fairburn Railway Bridge 3rd pour completed
Three quarters of the bridge cast - final quarter being set up for casting.

Fourth deck pour being undertaken
The fourth and final quarter of the bridge deck being cast.

Work progressing on the wingwalls
Remaining wingwalls being cast with a concrete pump.

Snow slowing down progress.
Snow hits progress - formwork being set up on the bridge.

Works progressing on the internal upstands and wingwalls
Snow clear - with concrete cast on the deck - steel being fixed at the difficult corners.

Fairburn Railway Bridge
View from the air looking down on the bridge deck.

Spray Waterproofing being applied to the screen walls to enable backfilling.
Spray waterproofing being undertaken on the diapraghm - ready for backfilling.

Bridge deck waterproofed and sand carpet laid
Sand Carpet laid over the waterproofed deck.

Temporary access over the bridge deck.
Temporary access created over the bridge - sand layer run over the bridge for construction traffic.

Fairburn railway bridge - existing A1M in the background
Carriage way being created over the bridge. Existing A1M running in the North East Corner of the Photo.

Works progressing on the divesion works beyond the bridge.
Temporary road being constructed in the back ground temporary road running over the bridge.

Works progressing over the deck with the diversion route for south bound traffic almost ready.
Carriage way under construction over the bridge. Footpaths being concreted.

South Bound diversion route open to traffic - North bound still on the old A1M
South Bound A1M diverted over onto the bridge carriageway - Note A1M existing south bound closed and being planned out.

North and South bound running in temporary aligment over the bridge at Fairburn.
Both the North and South carriageways moved over onto the temporary carriage way over the bridge. Works started on the new structure Brotherton Ings.

New bridge S27 Brotherton Ings under construction.
Works progressing on Brotherton Ings bridge and main carriageway under the bridge.

Works progressing on FHM south ready for opening.
Looking over Fairburn Railway bridge  up to Brotherton Ings bridge- New A1M carriageway close to being ready to open.

D2D Fully open over Fairburn Railway Bridge
New A1M completed road open with traffic switched onto the final alignment over the new structure.

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