DBM Bridges
 Building Bridges and Structures for the future.
   Home            Project 22 Clapham Hill Bridge
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View down to clapham Hill.
View up to Clapham hill with the piling in progress. 

Julia Davis - in shorts - setting out piles.
Julia Davis - Piling in progress.

Piling Platform being created ready for AMEC piling.
Piling platform being created for the piling.

Steel being fixed to the pile cages.
Steel Reinforcement being fixed on the stoned up piling platform. 

Section showing proposed + photo of as built layout
Amec Piling setting up ready for piling. 

Backblinded kicker for typical guide wall. Set out by David Millar
Backblinded kicker for the guidewall set up. 

Pile guide wall in uses by AMEC installing the Barrett piles.
Guide wall - with excavation in progress. 

Barrett grab on crawler crane.
Pile dig in progress.

Grab digging the pile - Bentonite being used as a support fluid
Guide wall being used for digging piles - Bentonite being filled in the dig. 

Pile cage installed and fully concreted - Cage put over the top to stop falls.
Pile completed with bentonite extracted

Dig in progress - spray concrete arches.
Dig in progress along the length of the abutment wall.

Excavation to the next lift - clay cut back ready for backing.
Clay excavated between the piles ready for drainage blanket.

Egg box filter drain pinned to the wall - ready for spraying.
Drainage fabric installed with measurement pins installed for spray concrete.

Spray concrete applied to the next lift. Note concrete mixer at hig level.
Concrete sprayed to the lower level of the wall.

Spray concrete bing applied to the wall lifts.
Spray concrete being applied to the wall.

Panels being set up for spraying.
Spray concrete being applied to the wall - layers being built up. 

Horizontal drains drilled and pipework installed.
Horizontal drains being installed through the drains.

Clapham Hill Abutment setting out
David Millar - Setting out the bridge abutments (setting out point on an old WWII Pill box)

Clapham Hill abutment
Clapham hill flooded out at low level - bridge abtments set and cast.

Clapham Hill Bearings Set
Bearings set on the concrete plinths.

Bridge Beams On site Julia Davis (engineer) for Scale
Julia Davis standing under the bridge girder - Nusteel getting ready to lift them in.

Crane lifting bridge girders
Braced Pairs being lifted into place.

Bridge Pairs landed in place
Braced pairs installed - services runing across the bridge - Note the temporary Bracing.

Final set of braced pairs being installed
Brace pairs being lifted in.

Snow in Kent
Braced pairs installed - It does snow in Kent - 1st week in Jan 1997.

Temporary works being installed
Temporary RMD supports being installed to the soffit of the bridge.

 Bridge Diapraghm
Diapraghm formwork being set up - Steel being fixed.

South Diapraghm Cast
Diapraghm cast at either end of the bridge deck.

Temporary works to cantilevers
Temporary works set up along the length of the cantilever.

Bride Deck Ready for concrete
Bridge deck - steel reinforcement deck set up ready for concrete - stop end set up down the stringcourse.

Bridge Deck ready for casting
Deck ready for concrete 14th Feb 1997.

Concrete being placed to the bridge deck
Bridge deck being cast using a concrete pump.

Parapet Formwork and Falsework removed
Bridge cantilever parapet cast - temporary works stripped out.

Deck being waterproofed
Bridge deck being waterproofed with bitumen sheet membrane.

Waterproofing completed on the deck
Bridge deck - sheet waterproofing on the deck.

Deck Sand Carpet laid on the deck
Sand Carpet paid on the deck - Waterproofing on the ballast wall.

Formwork for expanasion Joint set up in the footpaths.
Expanasion joint formwork set up in the footpath - services running across the joint.

Ducts set up in the Footpath ready for concrete and surfacing.
Ducts running through the expansion joint formwork.

Footpaths surfaced.
Bridge footpaths concreted - with surfacing laid on the footpaths.

Expansion Joints being installed on the bridge.
USL installing the expanasion joints across the bridge deck.

Completed Bridge open to traffic view fro the WWII pill box
Completed bridge open to traffic - View from the Pill box.

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