DBM Bridges
 Building Bridges and Structures for the future.
   Home            Project 21 Convicts Wood Bridge
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Amec carrying out the pile installation to the bridge Abutments.
Amec carrying out piling to the bridge abutments.

Amec Installing piles - Crawler crane lifting reinforcement Cage.
Pile reinforcement being lifted and moved into position for installation.

Bridge Abutment being set up steelfixing set up on the abutments.
Bridge abutment and central piers being constructed.

Abutment steel fixing in progress to the abutments.
Abutment bearing shelf being prepared for casting.

Scaffold Falsework support to the bridge deck.
Falsework - set up with the footings being landed on sleepers and concrete on the revetments.

Falsework set up for the deck soffit
Falsework being set up on the slope - note the wedges to set the feet level.

False work being ereceted
View on the Falsework and wedges for the footings.

Falsework being erected
Falsework being set up.

Beam carrying the falsework over the Haul road.
Hall road running under the bridge - beams installed to provide an access under the bridge.

Edge formwork set up ready for steelfixing.
Formwork on the deck being set up along the deck edge.

Central timber coffins being set up on the deck along with the edge formwork.
Deck edge formwork being set up - formwork coffins being set up centrally.

Steel reinforcement being lifted in between void formers on the deck.
Formwork - on the deck - Steel reinforcement being lifted in to the deck.

Steel being fixed to the bridge deck- Note the bearings top plate
Steel reinforcement being fixed on the bridge deck - Note the bearings with anchorage bolts.

Concrete pump - being set up to pour the bridge deck.
Concrete being placed to the bridge deck.

Bridge deck being cast - screed being used to level the deck.
Concrete being placed to the bridge deck. - note the stop end down the deck edge.

Bridge Expansion Joints being installed.
Bridge expansion joints beig installed on the deck - 

Bridge expanasion joint - cut out ready for installation.
Expansion joint width reduced at the footpath. Note ducts.

bridge joint installed - cover plate on the footpath
Expansion joint completed on the deck with rubbers installed and steel plate fixed on the footpath.

Bridge with Falsework removed - ready for concrete finishing.
Bridge with falsework and formwork removed ready for concrete finishing.

Concrete - finishing completed to the bridge.
Concrete finishing completed to the bridge leaf pier.

Completed Bridge - concrete finishing completed.
Completed bridge.

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