DBM Bridges
 Building Bridges and Structures for the future.
   Home            Project 18 Moor Road Railway Bridge
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Moor Road Bridge Pre start
View on the proposed location Moor road railway bridge. 

Moor Road Bridge Pre start South Abutment
View proposed location of Moor Road - looking over to the North abutment. 

North Abutment Brown Field site dug out
Brown field site North abutment old factory units being excavated out and removed.

North Abutment being dug out and wall being broken down
North abutment - bulk dig in progress - Note the boundary fence created with blue debris net fence installed. 

North abutment dig behind the existing stone wall.
Excavation on the back of the existing retaining wall.

Gas Main being welded together and laid out ready to be pulled in
New gas main being built up and welded ready for pulling into place. 

North Abutment excavated down to level ready for grouting
North abutment fully excavated out - terrace cut in the embankment for crane lifting platform. 

North Abutment drilling and grouting
Drilling and grouting in progress to the North abutment.

North Abutment drilling and grouting on going with Fence being installed.
Drilling and grouting in progress to the North abutment. 

Directional drilling
Directional drilling set up doing the drill for the Gas main along Moor Road 

Gas main connected up and being set up to pull in the gas main.
Pulling head attached to the gas main pulling it through the directional drill. 

View up Moor Road with the Gas main diversion and road diverisons in place
Diversion route along Moor road - drilling pit at the top of moor road for the gas main.

Gas main connection
Gas main connections being made - to allow the old gas main to be disconnected.

Moor Road being broken up with the traffic being diverted down the vario Guard
Gas main diveretded allows the heavy plant to move into the South side to allow the bulk dig to start. 

ASTE rail installing cable trough route on the South Abutment
Track level on the South abutment - temporary fence installed and trough route being installed to divert cables past the base. 

South Abutment Dig in progress
South abutment dig in progress behind the  blue heras fence.

South Abutment being excavated out with the trains running.
South abutment bulk dig in progress. - normal working.

South Abutment excaavtion in progress with Trough route completed
Bulk dig in progress. 

South Abutment Dig in progress
Vario Guard installed along the length of Moor road - Bulk dig being progressed. 

South Abutment - dig cut through the redundant gas mains
South abutment bulk dig note the gas mains cut through. 

Excavation ready for blinding.
South abutment dig being set up for blinding - screed rails set up. 

Blinding being placed to the South Abutment
Blinding concrete being placed to the formation - Henry Woodhead giving Engineering levels. 

Piling ongoing on the North Abutment
Martello piling on site carrying out the piling to the North abutment. 

South Abutment back blinding being placed
South autment - shutters set up aong the length of the base - backblinding being cast. 

Blinding Complete with steel fixing started.
Base formwork stripped out - Steel being fixed to the abutment base. 

North Abutment Two rigs working.
North abutment piling in progress - during normal working. 

South Abutment base being cast
South East base cast. 

Pile load testing being undertaken
Piles installed on the North abutment - proof load testing being carried out. 

South Abutment 2nd Base Steel fixing.
South West base - steel reinforcement being fixed to the base - Crawler lifting in the steel. 

South Abutment - 2nd base being Cast
Concrete being placed to the South west base. 

South Abutment Scaffold being erected
South abutment - scaffold being erected on the base.  

Pile break down with pile cruncher
North abutment piles being cut down with a pile cropper.

South Abutment scaffold being erected and steel wall reinforcement being fixed.
South abutment Haki access tower + scaffold being erected. 

North abutment piles broken down and being levelled for blinding with stone.
North abutment piles cropped down + single size gravel laid and compacted ready for concrete blinding. 

Steel being fixed from inside the wall - Paul Hanson fixing the steel.
Scaffold tower set up inside the bridge abutment to fix the abutment section. 

Formwork Being erected by crawler crane.
South abutment - crawler crane lifting in the formwork shutters. 

Crawlers in action on the abutments
View bridge construction crawler cranes on both abutments. 

Formwork erected on the wingwall.
South abutment East wingall set up with push pulls  

North Abutment Steel being fixed with the new crawler crane
North abutment - crawler crane lifting down reinforcement to the base. 

South Abutment - inside the steel cage looking at the wingwall stop end
South abutment - view inside the bridge abutment - note the stop end set up for the wingwall. 

Frmwork removed from the wingwall.
 Formwork removed from East Wingwall - scaffold re-erected for concrete finishing.

North Abutment Base ormwork set up for casting
North abutment base - formwork erected kickerbeing set up for concrete.

North Abutent Base cast and backfilled ready for scaffold.
North abutment base cast - stripped and backfilled. 

South Abutment - 1st section being cast
Concrete being placed to the South Eastern half of the abutment.

Concrete being placed inside the Formwork
View inside the abutment pour as concrete is being placed. 

Abutment pour going on to the late evening
Concrete pour on going - finishing work floating up in progress. 

North Abutment scaffold being erected ready for steel fixing
North abutment crawler crane lifting down the scaffold and steel reinforcement for fixing.

South Abutment - West wingwall being cast
South West wingwall being cast.

South Abutment wingwall formwork removed
South west wingwall castand formwork removed. 

North Abutment West Wingwall being cast
North abutment Formwork being set up.

South Abutment formwork being lifted into place.
South West abutment pour - formwork being erected to the abutment.

North East Abutment being cast
Wingwall being cast on the North abutment. 

South Abutment  2nd concrete pour
South West abutment bearing shelf being cast.

Inside the Formwork during concrete operation.
View inside the abutment - issue with the formwork - shutter failed with the pour 1/3 completed. 

Formwork Failure with concrete breach in the corner.
View outside the formwork showing concrete escaping from the shutters.

North Abutment - Reinforcement being fixed ready for Formwork.
North abutment steel reinforcement set up for casting - Formwork being lifted and set.

Bridge Girders being fabricated in Mabey Bridges Factory.
View in Mabey Bridge Yard - during  a fabrication inspection. 

Steel being fabricated with the taper plate and stiffeners
View on taper plate - bearing stiffener at the girder. 

South Abutment 2nd pour (re-cast)
South West corner formwork - rest up (not removed) with the cold joint scabbled inside the formwork. 

RMD's set up with portal bearings in the ties
Temporary works RMD soldiers and beams installed carrying ties through the wall. 

South Abutment 2nd pour  (re-cast)
Concrete being placed to the top section of the bridge abutment. 

South Abutment concrete being concreted
Concrete being floated up - ready to be covered over. 

South Abutment Formwork being removed and bearing plinths being cast
South abutment cast - bearing plinths being set up for concrete. 

North Abutment being cast
Concrete pump placing concrete to the North abutment. 

Trial erection at Fairfield Mabey's Yard
Mabey Bridge - trial erection of the structural steelwork. 

North Abutment - formwork being removed
View on the North Abutment with the formwok being stripped out - shutters being lifted free by the Crawler crane.
Backfill to the Back of the South Abutment
South abutment back fill to the wingwall to enable the 500t crane to be located. 

Will Smith and Henry Woodhead doing the numbers
Will Smith and Henry Woodhead - setting up the bearings just before installation.

500t crane on site set up ad crawler installing the bearings.
Crawler crane lifting in the bridge bearings - 500t crane being erected ready for lifting. 

Winded off beams sat in storage until the next week end
Bridge Beams stored on the closed off lane of Moor Road - Possession winded off. 

Bridge Beams being installed.
500T cranelifting in bridge girders. 

Beams being installed along with the GRP panels
EMJ panels being installed on the bridge - reinforcement bars used to stop uplift (not sure they are really needed) 

Bridge Girders side trimmer beam installed
Side trimmer beam installed with trimmer beams running off onto the abutment. 

Multiform tables are set aside ready for installation
SGB Harsco - multiforms built up by in the Yard and set up ready fro lifting - moved by site Hiab.

GRP being cut ready for intallation
EMJ - GRP panels being cut to size to fit the gaps at the end of the deck. 

Corner Multiforms installed during normal working
Corner Multiforms erected on the corners during normal working. 

Multiforms erected
During possession the multiforms for the bridge deck were erected along the outside of the bridge. 

Multiforms erected on the side of the bridge
Muliforms set up on the West side viewed from Hunslet Moor bridge. 

Multiforms and GRP installed on the deck
View on the bridge with GRP installed and multiforms in place. 

1st stage grouting completed and transit screws removed
Bearings on the abutments first stage grouted with the legs fixed in place - red transit bolts removed.

Steel work marked up for welded anchorages
Girders being marked up for welded anchorages. 

Welded anchorages showing ties holding the diapraghm shutters
Welded anchorages to the steelwork to make fixing formwork simpler.

Cantilever angle sections cut to follow the parapet profile
View on the bridge deck secondary support vertical curve being created (designers take note don't do this its a pain)

Reinforcement being put in place on the main soffit
Secondary soffit plywood fixed - stee fixing in progress- note the edge set up bars.

South Diapraghm formwork set up ready for casting.
Concrete diapraghm - rebar being set up on the deck end - Note the link directions following the girder alignment.

South Diapraghm being cast.
Concrete being placed by pump to the South diapraghm.

South Diapraghm with Formwork removed
South diapraghm concrete cast and formwork stripped.

Gabion Baskets and wall being constructed
Work in progress to build the infill walls on the north abutment - Note the gabion baskets to reduce the backfill loading.

Steel fixing on the deck progressing
Links being set up on the bridge parapet - note the H4A blot clusters being fixed in the parapet.

Formwork being set up to the top section of the wingwall
South abutment wingwall - top extension steel reinforcement fixed and formwork set in place. 

Steel fixing well progressed with stop ends being set up
Bridge deck set up for casting - screed rails set up - Note the stop end.

H4a Bolt cluster fitted into the Parapet (Designers take note of the steel)
H4a bolt cluster installed in the parapet. 

Concrete being placed to the bridge Deck
Bridge deck being cast During normal working.

East Parapet being set up for casting.
Bridge Cast - Parapet set up for casting - bolt sets hung.

East Parapet being Cast
Bridge parapet East  being cast during normal working. 

West Parapet set up for casting.
Bridge Parapet West set up for casting. 

Concrete placement to West Parapet.
West parapet being cast with a concrete pump of the deck. 

Stone faced abutment being reconstructed.
Stone infill wall being built by Alfred McAlpine operatives. 

View East to the bridge showing progress at track level.
View on the West parapet of the bridge.

Backfill progressing at the back of the abutment with the ballast wall constructed.
Backfill being placed to the South abutment ballast wall. 

Multiforms removed form the structure
Parapet Muliforms removed during possession working.

RMD Cantilever system (design by DBM)
Temporary works cantilever bracket system designed to take the corner soffit. 

Gallery temporary works
South deck ballast wall gallery - temporary works falsework being erected. 

Soffit installed on the deck side and steel being fixed.
Gallery nib - deck reinforcement fixed. 

Steel fixed on the deck end + soffit installed at the corner.
Gallery soffit set up - steel being fixed to the deck corner. 

Deck end Formwork set up for the expansion joint upstand
Deck nib set up with upstand nib for expansion joint. 

Outside ballast wall upstand being fixed
Ballast wall nib reinforcement being set up with the nib upstand. 

RMD With turnbuckle connector.
Temporary works - RMD Parapet brakets set up with turnbuckle props. 

North Deck end being set up for casting
End of the North deck formwork set up for casting. 

South Abutment Ballast wall nib cast with polystrene former
South abutment - ballast walll deck nib cast - note the formwork in the joint polystrene. 

Progress on Back fill and parapets being installed
Wingwall parapets set up for casting. 

Corner multiforms removed + pull off test on the deck.
The final corner multiforms were removed once the parapets are cast - deck surface - pull off tests by stirling lloyd. 

Varley & Gulliver on site to install P6 parapets
H4a parapets being erected by Varley and Gulliver. 

Forklift lifting out temporary works from the deck
Roto forklift being used to take down the corner multiforms.Surface preparation on the bridge deck. 

Stirling Lloyd sparying eliminator waterproofing
Spray waterproofing being applied to the back of the ballast wall and bridge deck 

Deck waterproofed and access manhole lid cast.
Bridge deck waterproofed - access manhole complete - insitu manhole cover created.

Red Sandcarpet being laid on the deck.
Red sand carpet being placed on the deck - note the timbers glued to the deck to form a channel for the Honel drains. 

Hydro kerbs being set up on the bridge deck.
Enviro kerbs being installed on the deck by J Edwards. Note the levels set with hilti nails on blocks.

Kerbs being installed on the approach to the bridge
Enviro kerbs set up on the approach to the bridge. 

Kerbs being laid on the deck
Envrio kerbs set up over the deck - bedded on sand cement screed. 

Honel Drain fixed with epxoy to the bridge deck.
Honel drain installed along the front of the enviro kerbs. 

Concrete being placed in the bridge verge
Footpath infilled with concrete. 

Black top being placed on the bridge approach and over the timbers covering the joints.
Surfacing being placed on the deck - Note the surfacing is laid over the top of timbers installed in the joint. 

Deck being blacked
Surfacing laid on the bridge deck - footpaths concreted.

USL cutting the bridge joint on the North end of the deck
USL cutting the bridge wearing course to install the bridge joints - the timbers previously installed reduce the break out and debond the black top form the concrete on the joint.

Bridge joint scabbled back and membrane installed.
North abutment saw cut and deck cut out with membrane glued in place. 

USL filling the joint with mortar material.
Bridge expansion joint being installed - USL installing the joint in sections. 

Expansion Joint Rails set up at the Drainage connection.
View on the drainage channel deck joint detail - showing the carrier rails angled up over the drain. 

Joint in the footpath being set up.
Britflex mortar installed aross the bridge deck. 

h4A Problem with fitting straight rails on a curve.
V&G installing straight rails on the radius (you can do this but it was at the limit in this case). 

High squew and difficult alignment with rails lifting over the ducts.
Bridge expanasion joint crossing over the deck drainage - not an ideal design due to the high squew. 

Rubbers installed in the bridge joint.
Rubbers installed on the bridge deck - parapets being finished off. 

Safety Barrier connection to the Parapets
Bridge parapets and Safety barriers being connected up - Footpath being infilled and levelled. 

Footpaths being black topped with a mini paver.
Safety barrier installed on the approach to the deck - mini paver being used to black the footpaths. 

Footpath being blacked over the bridge
Parapets being grouted and black top laid on the footpaths.

Moor Road Lane open over the bridge with Vario Guard installed
Parapets sheeted in and the deck opened to traffic - vario guard set up aross the deck. 

Moor Road looking East
View on the bridge deck west parapet. 

Anti climb and steeple tops being installed.
Bridge open to traffic with phase II works nearing completion. 

Completed Bridge open with Both lanes running
The full interchange at Junction 4 Completed and fully open to traffic. 
Page under construction...